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OPTA Needs you to take action: Please contact state legislators and ask that MCO fix be included in


The legislature's scheduled conference committee on the budget did not vote today, leaving more time to contact your legislators on two issues: the MCO sales tax and the transfer of funding out of the Office of Public Transit. We have met with the administration on both issues and continue to work the legislature hard.

When contacting your legislator

  • Tell them that the MCO sales tax is by far the largest issue facing transit this year and is the largest challenge the industry has faced for many years. How it is resolved will have a significant impact on the services transit provides.

  • Share some of the cuts you will need to make.

  • Mention Senator Dolan's amendment as a possible solution

  • Note the importance of the Office of Public Transit funding which for 30 years has provided fare assistance to the elderly and disabled. These are for passengers who are often on low and fixed incomes who work hard to make ends meet, live independently, and to keep dignity in their lives. Eliminating this program will eliminate those worthy goals.

You can find your legislators here. If you have questions about contacting your legislator please reach out to Dan Helmick for assistance,

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